
Γιατί το ελληνικό τουριστικό χωριό Κάβος (Κέρκυρα) έγινε στις 30/01 προς 31/01 - λίγο μετά τα μεσάνυκτα - Worldwide Trend στο twitter;

Την ίδια ώρα που ο Έλληνας πρωθυπουργός είχε συνάντηση με τους Ευρωπαίους ηγέτες στο περιθώριο της Συνόδου Κορυφής στις Βρυξέλλες, ένα μικρό χωριό στην Ελλάδα έγινε Wordlwide Trend στο chart του Τwitter (00:31 31.01.2012)
Το χωριό Κάβος στην Κέρκυρα δεν είναι σίγουρα γνωστό για τις χρυσαφένιες αμμουδιές του, ούτε για ήρεμες διακοπές. Έχει συνδεθεί με τους «χιλιάδες νεαρούς βρετανούς τουρίστες» που επισκέπτονται το νησί κάθε χρόνο για την «άγρια» νυκτερινή του ζωή, τις καταχρήσεις και την εκτός ορίων διασκέδαση. Αυτό ήταν το θέμα της εκπομπής «Party Paramedics» η οποία προβλήθηκε χτες στο βρετανικό κανάλι Channel 4 (22:00 ώρα Αγγλίας). Επίκεντρο της εκπομπής ήταν τα έκτακτα περιστατικά που δέχεται το Ιατρικό κέντρο επειγόντων περιστατικών του Κάβος.
Each year many young British holidaymakers descend on the village of Kavos, Corfu, seeking sun, sand, sex and oblivion.This eye-opening film follows the medical team that treats the many casualties.
Sat in the heart of the town's main strip is Kavos Emergencies, a medical centre with a flow of patients like no other. More like a field hospital than a private surgery, the clinic is regularly held under siege by hoards of revellers over-indulging in drink, drugs and fighting.
As Corfu Carnage shows, it's a culture shock for the bemused Greek doctors, who don't know what to expect next - from a trainee accountant who inhales his own vomit, to the mysterious case of a patient covered in a black sticky substance, battered and bruised, with a four-inch open head, and no idea of what happened to him.

Κατά τη διάρκεια μετάδοσης της τηλεοπτικής αυτής εκπομπής ο Κάβος γίνεται Worldwide Trend με τα σχόλια των χρηστών  του Twitter -κυρίως Βρετανούς-  να φτάνουν τα 3.828 (από τις 21:00 -ώρα Αγγλίας- μία ώρα πριν ξεκινήσει η εκπομπή είχαν αρχίσει τα μηνύματα στο twitter εώς και τις 13:00 –ώρα Αγγλίας- της επόμενης ημέρας 31.01.2012 που είχαμε συνέχεια αρκετά μεγάλο αριθμό μηνυμάτων με αναφορά του όρου «kavos”).
Οι απόψεις των χρηστών του twitter διίστανται: Άλλοι εκδηλώνουν την απέχθεια τους και την ντροπή τους για τη συμπεριφορά των συμπατριωτών τους. Σε άλλους η εκπομπή ξυπνά ευχάριστες νοσταλγικές αναμνήσεις. Κάποιοι μάλιστα εντάσσουν ο Κάβος στους αγαπημένους προορισμούς, ενώ και κάποιοι άλλοι μετρούν αντίστροφα για τις επόμενες καλοκαιρινές διακοπές τους στον Κάβο.
Party Parametrics, Channel 4 / 30.01.2012 22:00 _ The storyboard

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Kavos _The place – Tourists

This is a corfu emergency medical clinic: it's open 24 hours a day and is staffed by eight doctors. This programme contains strong language from the outset and scenes of nudity its patients are demanding. They always come with something different. Because this clinic is in the holiday town Kavos. …”

“Kavos.the legendary destination of 50,000 british party animals every summer…”

…for nine months of the year, a sleepy fishing village, home to around 900 locals…”

“…but in the summer is drastically different.  from June through to august, it's a Mecca for young British tourists and it's the wild nightlife they come for ..screaming hard house music the strip. three kilometres with over 80 bars, pubs and clubs serving oceans of cheap booze 24 hours a day, seven days a week. …
…British tourist “kavos is fucking mental! do you realise that everyone just comes for sun, sex, alcohol and drugs?”…” 

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“…but for a team of paramedics working here, it's more like a war zone…
…for the brits, a visit to the clinic is just a part of the holiday experience
but the greek doctors have never seen patients like them…”

“…gin. gin? gin, yeah, yeah. alcohol. from the nose? through my nose, yeah. three big sniffs, a whole shot of gin, yeah. what did you do that for?...”

“…dr alex, recently completed six years of medical training. this is her first experience of british tourists. …
Dr Alex: 'i've never seen another country behaving like that. i've seen only british teenagers trying to destroy themselves with alcohol. the doctors frequently treat brits who have drunk themselves to the point of hospitalisation. the consequences can be serious…”

“…at 1.00am, dr george wheels his first patient into the clinic …”

“…Doctor: we have to treat drunk people. if they're sick, then we get dirty. it's still a patient, ok, even if it's alcohol intoxicated, it's still a patient that deserves treatment …”

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“…out in the street the party continues …”

“…British tourist : “it was the first night. we wanted to go out and have a good time, get a few drinks down us, and when you're abroad, i think it's just escape. you feel further away from responsibility and you're more inclined to do stupid things or have a few extra drinks. you feel there's no consequences, i suppose, so people can do what they want, really…  i am very embarrassed about it, especially my parents. i haven't told them yet. i'm sure that'll be a fun conversation to have with them”….”

Greek Doctor”…nowadays, more and more, people feel the need to get drunk to have a good time. in england, it has gone to the next level. they put themselves in danger….

“…fuelled by cheap booze, casual sex is an essential part of the kavos experience. …”

”… they're here to get drunk and have sex but they don't realise how many risks you have to take if you have sex with people that you actually met them the first night. …”

“…because kavos is a well-oiled moneymaking machine. young tourists are bussed in daily to cheap accommodation near the strip. holiday reps are paid commission by the bars to drum up business, with the promise of cheap booze…. from fish bowls to fist bombs, the bars specialise in lethal cocktails specially designed to hit drinkers hard and leave them legless….”

”… i cut my hand on glass! seven stitches straight to the eye. i cracked my hip. it's pretty savage, but you're here to have fun, aren't you?...”

“… free bar, paid 20 euros and then all the drink you can get. they're pouring it down your throat and stuff, and obviously, i really took advantage of it. 'i do like to get pretty close to the limits. 'you've got to live a bit, rock 'n' roll and all that…

“…17 of us booked up for this holiday, and i don't really know why we picked kavos. i think it was just a name out of a hat, pretty much. never really bothered to do the sightseeing thing yet when there's valuable drinking time! we're only here a week, so we don't really want to waste any moments that's not spent in a pub. …”

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“…violence is a regular feature of a night on the strip. the police take a no-nonsense approach….”

“…but the paramedics can't force patients to have treatment. we tell his friends to bring him inside, just to have a quick look to see if anything is wrong with him but i think he went back to drink some more. and even those that do come in are often unwilling patients…”

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…next summer

“…i think i have become a very patient man here in kavos, working with these young guys. so i think you have to find a way to approach them, to speak directly to them, so that they can understand that finally it's the best for them and for their health. …

“…but the doctors are already thinking about whether they'll be back. there's a possibility that this will be my last year in kavos. after six summers in kavos, doctor george plans to spend next year qualifying as a neurologist. i will miss everything, the place, the locals, crazy drunk british holidaymakers. i will miss all of this….”

“…doctor alex, has decided it's an experience she won't be repeating. it's not for me. i could do this job for four months but that's it….”

“…but costas loves the adrenaline of working in kavos emergencies. i will definitely be here next year. ...”

Τα περισσότερα ταυτόχρονα μηνύματα ανά λεπτό στάλθηκαν στο twitter το χρονικό διάστημα 22:49-22:51 που έγινε και διαφημιστικό διάλειμμα.

Από την αρχή της εκπομπής παρατηρήθηκε έντονο ενδιαφέρον και ανταλλαγή μηνυμάτων μεταξύ των χρηστών του twitter, το οποίο αυξήθηκε κατά τηδιάρκεια της εκπομπής και διατηρήθηκε ιδιαίτερα έντονο μετά το τέλος της εκπομπής αλλά και  την επόμενη ημέρα.

Το ενδιαφέρον υπήρξε τόσο μεγάλο που το θέμα “Kavos” έγινε Wordlwide Trend στο chart του Τwitter (00:31 31.01.2012)

[matrixMEDIA] Media Monitoring & Media Analysis Service

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