
Διεθνή Τηλεοπτικά Δίκτυα & Αναφορές Χωρών EE_Global TV Communication Networks & EU Countries Mentions

Αυτή η ανάλυση(*) είναι μία προσπάθεια χαρτογράφησης της κάλυψης – αριθμός αναφορών - στα διεθνή τηλεοπτικά δίκτυα των χωρών μελών της ΕΕ.
Τα δεδομένα αφορούν σε ένα χρονικό διάστημα με έντονη και σημαντική επικαιρότητα για το μέλλον της ΕΕ ( Σύνοδος Κορυφής, υποβάθμιση Eurozone από S&P, διαδηλώσεις-διαμαρτυρίες και μέτρα λιτότητας)
The current analysis (*) is an attempt to map the coverage of global and regional broadcast media according to their mentions (the number of times that a country and its citizens is referred by the media) in EU member countries.
The data were collected during a crucial period for the future of EU (EU Summit, S&P's warnings for possible downgrade of Eurozone, protests, strikes and new austerity measures for the countries).

(*) Αποτελεί  μέρος της ανάλυσης «ΔΙΕΘΝΗ ΤΗΛΕΟΠΤΙΚΑ ΔΙΚΤΥΑ & ΕΙΚΟΝΑ ΧΩΡΩΝ» - 15νθημερη ανάλυση από την [matrixMEDIA].
Part of “Global TV Networks & Country Image” Analysis - Sequential quarter analysis by [matrixMEDIA].

Διεθνή Τηλεοπτικά Δίκτυα & Αναφορές Χωρών EE
Global TV Communication Networks & EU Countries Mentions

Στα διεθνή τηλεοπτικά δίκτυα περισσότερες αναφορές έγιναν στις 3 «ισχυρές» ευρωπαϊκές χώρες δηλ. Αγγλία, Γαλλία, Γερμανία. Οι τρείς αυτές χώρες συγκεντρώνουν το 57% επί των συνολικών αναφορών στις χώρες της Ε.Ε.
Ακολουθούν Ιταλία, Ισπανία, Ελλάδα και Ιρλανδία που συγκεντρώνουν το 30% επί των συνολικών αναφορών στις χώρες της Ε.Ε.
The map indicates that the attention of media is focused on the 1/3 of EU members, while three distinct groups are created based on the number of the TV media mentions. 

The first group contains the UK, Germany and France

The "biggest economies of EU", Germany and France - as the media refers to these countries - monopolized the agenda of EU coverage. The issues framed these countries are: the ratings agency S&P warnings for possible Eurozone downgrade, the meeting of their leaders held on 30th and their agreement on measures to ease the Eurozone debt crisis.   
The exception here is UK, which is framed by a variety of issues. This indicates a general media interest for the current country. Of course during the current period some events (the strike of public sector held 30th Nov and the bomb exploded outside the UK embassy in Bahrain) did increased the mentions for UK (regional TV media where excluded for this case).
The second group contains Italy, Spain, Ireland and Greece. (Crisis and Austerity)

The financial crisis that those countries are facing, the austerity measures decided by their governments to ease the crisis, the social unrest, the increase of unemployment markets are among the issues that framed these countries. In Italy the tears of the welfare minister during the announcement of the new austerity measures (increase taxes and measures for the black market economy) attracted media attention. The coverage for Spain is concentrated on rumors that the Spanish downgrade is coming and the increase of unemployment. Although, the mentions to Greece seems declined related to the previous period, the rumors that the country is leaving euro, the images of the clashes among rioters and police, during the protests took place in Athens for the third anniversary of the killing of Alexis Grigoropoulos by a policeman in 2008 and the general crisis placed Greece in the crisis group. The announcement of Irish so-called “austerity budget” was the issue that increased the mentions to Ireland. 
The third group contains Poland and Portugal (diversity of issues)
The announcement that Poland and Ukraine will co  – host the Euro of 2012 increased the mentions for the country.  For Portugal the mentions were focus on the downgrading of its credit rating and the major strike for the austerity measures.

Αναφορές χώρας Ανά ημέρα – Line Graph_ Per Day Mentions

Media Agenda – Diary _ Per Country
Pick Days
France & Germany
Dec 05
France and Germany have reached agreement on measures ... to ease the Eurozone debt crisis after meeting in Paris Nicolas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel
the ratings agency Standard & Poors has said it's reviewing almost every eurozone country's rating/
warned it may downgrade the biggest economies like Germany and France

Dec 06
in Italy, the welfare minister reduced to tears as the government tried to defend yet another round of austerity
New government in Italy and Mario Monti's new budget. they will be increasing taxes and making it more difficult to shift money into that black market economy

a rumor that the Spanish downgrade was coming
Dec 02
Spanish bonds

the Irish budget gets underway. that will have a lot of austerity measures in it as well. secretary Geithner's going to be in Europe talking to Europeans as well
Dec 02
Irish market moving higher by ninety four 
Following the announcement of Ireland’s latest so-called ‘austerity Budget,

Dec 06
 Greece that's leaving and would have to deal with a massively devalued new currency
news around two million public sector workers will go on strike
Nov 30
bomb exploded outside the UK embassy in Bahrain
Dec 04

When UEFA picked Poland and Ukraine to co-host Euro 2012
Dec 02

Nov 24

Thursday as its credit rating was downgraded to junk status and a major strike gave voice to broad public outrage over austerity measures that have squeezed living standards


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